2015-12-27Chemical industry, implementation of seven major restructuring task Qingdao three years to achieve sharp change

Qingdao is an important national petrochemical industry base, the size of more than 2014 chemical enterprises reached 405, complete price of industrial output value of 232.11 billion yuan, accounting for 1.6 percent national oil and chemical industry output value of 13.8% of total industrial output value. Qingdao in the steady development of the chemical industry, there are some companies security, environmental protection, energy consumption is not up to management personnel shortage chemical expertise and experience in production management, spatial layout and other issues not reasonable.

In order to promote the city's chemical industry to upgrade, Qingdao will focus on seven remediation tasks, one to carry out "fighting rule violation" special action against illegal chemical companies and illegal chemical projects to conduct a comprehensive clean-up regulation. Second, strict project access to good chemical, non-eliminated on the new class, restricted chemical projects, encourage the development of high-grade products, technology and equipment with international or domestic leading level of chemical projects. Third, the implementation of the chemical industry "three rating an evaluation" in the investigation thoroughly and "fighting rule violation" on the basis of the rest of the chemical industry production safety, environmental protection, energy saving rating evaluation and comprehensive evaluation. Fourth, to promote chemical companies' admission into the area ", a comprehensive revamp existing chemical park (central region), published by the city government to re-examine. Fifth, the nature of the chemical industry to improve the safety level, the full implementation of the chemical industry the main responsibility for production safety, strict qualifications of employees. Sixth, to deepen the chemical industry pollution control, the implementation of more stringent emission control standards. Seven is urged energy saving chemical companies, chemical companies must fulfill the existing energy-saving goals and tasks, serious waste of resources, pollute the environment, do not have the safety conditions of backward production technology, technical equipment and products, must be resolutely eliminated in accordance with the relevant provisions while in order to improve efficiency of resource use as the core, to promote a number of resource conservation, new technology and new technology to reduce pollution, breaking a number of driving ability, affecting a wide range of core technologies and key generic technologies.